About Us
The Brawley Elementary School District (BESD) is located in Brawley, California, which is situated in Imperial County in Southern California. Brawley, with a population of approximately 30,000 is a rural community twenty-seven miles north of the Port of Entry into the United States from Mexicali, Mexico. Imperial Valley is ranked fourth in the nation in terms of agricultural production and 30% of our parents are employed in agricultural-related jobs. Brawley is a desert setting where the average winter temperature is in the mid-seventies and the average summer temperature is in the low hundreds. The make-up of our student population is 81% Hispanic, 15%White, 3% Black, and 1% of other ethnic groups. The District has approximately 420 certificated and classified employees.
The BESD serves transitional kindergarten through eighth-grade students at five school sites. Approximately 4,000 students attend Brawley Elementary schools. BESD has four elementary schools and one middle school. Brawley Elementary School District is comprised of four TK-6 schools and one middle school (grades 7-8). The four TK-6 schools are J.W. Oakley Elementary School, Myron D. Witter Elementary School, Miguel Hidalgo Elementary School, and Phil D. Swing Elementary School. The middle school is Barbara Worth Junior High School.