Be on the lookout for at-homeCOVID-19 test kits that will be sent home for Winter Break. Stay safe and stay healthy! Estén atentos a los kits de prueba de COVID-19 que seran enviados a casa para uso durante las vacaciones de invierno. ¡Manténgase seguros y saludables!
about 2 years ago, BESD Parent Engagement
Parents /Guardians       Padres/ Tutores
Last Night's Board Meeting cont.
about 2 years ago, Brawley Elementary School District
BESD Board
Gil Rebollar
Last Night's Board Meeting
about 2 years ago, Brawley Elementary School District
Cesar Guzman
Armando Padilla
Esther Sanchez Banda
Last Night's Board Meeting
about 2 years ago, Brawley Elementary School District
Cesar Guzman
Armando Padilla
Ester Sanchez Banda
Parents remember to take time to care for yourself. Padres recuerdan tomarse el tiempo para cuidarse.
about 2 years ago, BESD Parent Engagement
Parents remember to take the time to care for yourself.
 Padres recuerdan tomarse el tiempo para cuidarse.
BESD-ELOP dias de las maravillas en invierno diciembre 19-22, 2022
about 2 years ago, BESD Expanded Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP)
BESD ELOP dias delas maravillas dic 19-22, 2022
BESD ELOP Winter Intercession days Dec. 19-22, 2022
about 2 years ago, BESD Expanded Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP)
BESD-ELOP Winter Intercession Days
Thank you IVROP and C.H.A.R.L.E.E. Family, Inc. for your parent engagement. Parents look out for further Parent Engagement Opportunities. Gracias IVROP y C.H.A.R.L.E.E. Family, Inc. por su compromiso de padres. Padres estén atentos a más oportunidades de participación.
about 2 years ago, BESD Parent Engagement
Behavior Management presentation by C.H.A.R.L.E.E. Family Inc.
Join Parent University BESD is offering 4-week virtual parent classes through Parent University in English and Spanish. Get registered for April classes now! "News" Participe en la Universidad de Padres BESD está ofreciendo 4-semanas de clases virtuales para padres por medio de Universidad de Padres en ingles y español. Inscribase ahora para clases en abril! noticias
about 2 years ago, Brawley Elementary School District
April 2
BESD Holiday Break November 21st - 25th
about 2 years ago, Brawley Elementary School District
Holiday Break
El programa esta disponsible todavia para “Fomentado la Grandeza de los Alumnos” desde Lunes 21 hasta Miercoles 23 de Noviembre a Phil D. Swing de 8am-5pm. Pueden entregar la aplicacion a o en las oficinas del distrito CLC de 8am-4pm.
about 2 years ago, BESD-Expanded Learning
Registration is still open for the "Harvesting Student Greatness" intercession days on November 21, 22, and 23 at Phil Swing School from 8am-5pm. Turn in registration form to or in-person at the CLC.
about 2 years ago, BESD-Expanded Learning
Youth Basketball Registration
about 2 years ago, Brawley Elementary School District
Youth Basketball
Feria de Salud Gratuita en la Escuela Hidalgo, miércoles 16 de noviembre, de 3:30-5:30pm
about 2 years ago, BESD-Parent Engagement
BESD-Family Engagement (Hidalgo)
Free Health Fair at Hidalgo School, Wednesday, November 16th, from 3:30-5:30pm
about 2 years ago, BESD-Parent Engagement
BESD-Parent Engagement (Hidalgo School)
IVROP has a parent opportunity for learning on Friday, December 2, from 9-10am at the Community Learning Center, 206 D. St., Brawley, CA 92227
about 2 years ago, BESD-Parent Engagement
BESD-Parent Engagement
IVROP tiene una oportunidad de aprendizaje para padres el viernes 2 de diciembre de 9 a 10 a. m. en el Centro de aprendizaje comunitario, 206 D. St., Brawley, CA 92227
about 2 years ago, BESD-Parent Engagement
BESD-Parent Engagement
"Harvesting Student Greatness" expanded learning opportunity days are being offered to BESD students on November 21, 22, and 23, from 8-5pm at Phil Swing School. Meals provided and transportation is available. 150 spots for grades TK-6, and 50 spots for grades 7 and 8.
about 2 years ago, BESD-Expanded Learning
BESD-Expanded Learning Opportunities
Se ofrecerán días de oportunidades de aprendizaje extendido a los estudiantes de BESD el 21, 22 y 23 de noviembre de 8:00 am-5:00 pm en Phil Swing. Se proporcionarán las comidas y habrá transportación disponible. 150 para grados TK-6 y 50 para grados 7 y 8.
about 2 years ago, BESD-Expanded Learning
BESD-Expanded Learning Opportunities
Dear BESD Parents and Guardians, Please be on the lookout for the At-Home COVID-19 Testing Kits to be distributed to all students this week for Veteran’s weekend. We recommend that students test prior to returning to school on Monday, November 14, 2022. Estimados Padres y Tutores de BESD, Estén atentos de los kits de prueba de COVID-19 caseros que se distribuirán a todos los estudiantes esta semana para el fin de semana del Día de los Veteranos. Recomendamos que los estudiantes tomen la prueba de COVID-19 antes de regresar a la escuela el lunes 14 de noviembre de 2022.
about 2 years ago, Brawley Elementary School District
BESD Covid Testing